Monday, February 7, 2011

"Visibly Upset" Christina Aguilera Hightails It Back to L.A. After Super Bowl Blunder

 Christina Aguilera

She was gone by, well, the dawn's early light.

Christina Aguilera was so devastated after her much talked-about Super Bowl blunder that she immediately left Texas and headed to Los Angeles, where she could lick her wounds at home, an NFL source tells E! News.

The newly divorced singer was "visibly upset" following the live, a cappella performance of the national anthem, the source tells us.

So when did Aguilera slip out of town?

"She hung out for a while at the stadium but then went straight to the airport," says the insider, skipping all the afterparties.

She caught a flight out of Dallas and landed back in California shortly before midnight.

Aguilera, who had followed a performance of "America the Beautiful" by Glee's Lea Michele, released a mea culpa after the game.

"I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through," the singer said.

Like we said, it's a stressful gig, and a difficult song, done before the biggest audience in the world.

Chin up, Christina. At least you sang live.

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